Saturday, February 19, 2005

27. Kok Putusin Gue, Ninit Yunita

"Jangan jadi pengemis cinta"

"Menghabiskan hidup dengan seseorang itu penting. Tapi yang lebih penting lagi dengan siapa kita menghabiskannya

26. Jomblo, Adhitya Mulya

"Kamu adalah wanita. Kodrat kamu adalah dicinta, dipuja..."


'Enam Penyebab Pria Berselingkuh'

penyebab no 2; sensitifitas
"neng keliatan gendut gak si, aa?"
"liat donk kalo neng bicara!"
"gendut, ah."
"nggak koq, sayang"
"ya mungkin sedikit perlu fitnes kali yah.."
"apa liat2?"
"tadi katanya disuruh liat?"
"liatin saya gendut?"
"Aa minta obat tidur..4 butir. please"
"bunuh diri"
"kenapa mau bunuh diri?? malu yah punya pacar gendut?"

25. Subject: Re, Novita Estiti

"I am not afraid of losing you. Because i won't let you leave me"

Friday, February 18, 2005

24. Gege Menegejar Cinta, Adhitya Mulya

"Dasar cinta wanita itu adalah perasaan ingin disayangi. Dasarnya pria, adalah perasaan ingin memiliki"

23. The Flamboya Tree, Clara Olink Kelly

"..War, any war, is senseless and degrading. When innocent people are brought into that war because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, it becomes incomprehensible"

22. That Certain Age, Elizabeth Buchan

"I Set my face in a permanent smile and ignored the aching muscles. Sometimes i was reminded of the story of the little match girl who pressed her nose to the pane of glass and looked in a scene of happiness and warmth, while her feet froze on the pavement...Then, he was entirely seperate and disconnected and there was no possibility for me of sharing it with him"

21. PS. I Love You, Cecelia Ahern

"Oh the wonder of the magical tea, the answer to all life's liffle problems"

20. In A Good Light, Clare Chambers

"Perhaps, gratitude is an aphrodisiac"