Monday, December 01, 2008

135. Yours, Faitfully, Sheila O'Flanagan

A novel of a man who married to two different women in the same time and lived a double lives. And when he was involved in an accident, the two wives met and for the first time, learned about the life and lies that their husband was living. Hard to put down. Quite an interesting read but kinda shallow.

134. Goldengrove, Francine Prose

A novel about sudden death and grief. A story of a young girl who face the consequence of sudden loss of the death of her sister. She must faced a life-changing moments and coped with the grief in her own way because her parents were also grieving and were not available for her. It opens my eyes to a new world that i have never seen/ experienced before.

133. It's Kind of Magic, Carole Matthews

It was a chick lit with a 'magical' elements. It's entertaining, but not enough essence and too 'magical' for my liking.

132. Where is God When It Hurts, Philip Yancey

A comforting, healing guide for coping with hard times.

"If this world ran according to fixed, perfectly fair rules, there would be no true freedom. We would act rightly because of our own immediate gain, and selfish motives would taint every act of goodness. We would love God because of a programmed, inborn hunger, not because of a deliberate choice in the face of attractive alternatives. ...... Faith like Job's cannot be shaken because it is the result of having been shaken"