Saturday, May 31, 2008

111. You've Got What It Takes, Wesley Harris

We should seek to dance with life, rather than wrestle with it.


In leadership roles I have usually preferred to make decision based on the wide experience of a number of people rathen than on personal hunches alone. There is comfort in consensus! However, waiting for everybody to get on board may sometimes mean never launching out at all. Leaders must lead, and on occasion this may mean that, having secured all possible support, they have to act on conviction and press on regardless

110. The Little Agency; and the Prince, Hester Browne

Thursday, May 15, 2008

109. The Memory Keeper's Daughter

A story of a man who gave up one of his twins, because she had a down syndrome, rationalising it as a need to protect his wife. He asked the nurse to take the girl away to an institution and never to reveal the secert. The nurse, who had been in love with the man, unable to do what was told and disappeared into another city to raise the child herself.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

108. Love Struck, Melanie La'Brooy

This is one of the funniest chick-lit i've ever read... and love it more because the author was Australian and it has lots of inside jokes about Sydney and Melbourne. There's too many funny anecdotes, i can't jott them down here. But it's basically a story of a Melbournian (who apparently are called 'Mexican' by the Sydney siders because we're from 'south of the border'), who moved to Sydney with her boyfriend. But then the boyfriend left for Adelaide for work. So she ended up being in Sydney on her own, hating it. A glorious funny novel about one girl's blossoming love affair with life.

"During the first part (of yoga) I thought I'd die and gone to exercise heaven because all we had to do was lie on our backs, close our eyes and breathe. I was lying there happily, just breathing (which evn I was capable of doing completely), and cursing myself for all the years I'vd wasted falling off the Step during manic Step aerobics classess, and being viciously elbowed in the breasts by aggresive harpies on the netball court. No wonder so many people were raving about the benefits of yoga. It was like beig in kindergarden again and having the teacher pat you on the head and praise you for successfully taking an afternoon nap. It was exercise specifically designed for the insecure underachiever."


"She cheered up and handed me a bag "It's our cat-finding kit".

Amongst other things, the bag contained two torches. One had flat batteries and the other was a Bananas in Pyjamas glow in the dark children's torch that emitted a beam that was less lke a powerful search light and more like the last sputtering flickers given off by a dying incense burner.

When I had suggested that Fran bring along some cat-like temptations I had envisaged an open cat of cat food, perhaps a ball of wool or some strategically placed bowls of milk. Fran had thought it more appropriate to bring along a Barrier Reef tourist brochure that had lots of glossy picture of tropical fish in it, and a video cassette of Mouse Hunt"

LOL. I love this book. I'm eyeing for the author's second book.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

107. Best Enemies, Jane Heller

Another chick lit. I've been borrowing them from a library because I need some light reading. This one is certainly a light, page-turner, and predictable chick lit. Too happy ending. It was very good at the beginning, but got boring at the end. A story of a woman whose fiance cheated with her bestfriend, and her funny and unconventional ways of making sure that she didn't lose face four years later when she bumped into that bestfriend again, successful and married to that ex-fiance of hers.

Friday, May 02, 2008

106. Too Good to be True, Sheila O'Flanagan

Enjoyable read,... but the story itself is kinda bizzare. Girl meets boy, hooked up and got married within a week, came back from honeymoon, realised there were things about each other that they didnt know, seperated within a month.... then girl hooked up with old boyfriend, got engaged, intent to get her divorce official, and then got back together with the original boy (the husband).

105. Boyz Rule!; Mega Rich, Felice Arena

I only read it because I fell in love with the author when he came and visit the learning club i was volunteering in. I'm gonna name my child (or my next dog) after him. He's unbelievably attractive, funny, entertaining, and talented. I enjoyed his books, and if i have a child, i'd get her/him to read his books too.